How to use our products

 How to connect to Oculus app

VR gaming on a PC requires either a really strong wifi connections or a USB 3 cable to connect your VR headset. We recommend gaming with a cable as the connections is much more stable. With one of our highspeed USB 3 cables you can connect to the Oculus app. Open the Oculus app and login, plug the USB cable in your VR headset and in your PC (Make sure that the USB connecter on your PC is at least USB 3.0 or higher). If you are unsure if the connection is good, simply run a speed test trough the Oculus app. Inside your Quest 2, enable Quest Link to connect to your PC.



Detailed assembly videos are comming soon.


If you are having trouble fitting or assembling our products please write us at and we will be more than happy to try and help you.